Oh, I really don't like this.
I'm stuck, hungry, near the front of the college room, blogging, and the professor is getting us to come up with rules for the classroom. I want my yogurt...
So, the latest update on my life:
I'm going to the convention on Saturday with somewhere between one and four friends. I'm entering the amateur art contest there. I'm going to practice tonight and my dad is getting me a Subway so that I can eat without going home, because of my little sister's Back To Stupidity Night. I'm friendly with Riley (*cheer*) and unfriendly with Taylor (*sniff*) and I have mild feelings of hatred toward Rick, Adam, and Brandon. I'm filling up my memory stick steadily with stories. So far I have sixty-three.
I'm gonna go a bit abstract now. I have these recurring dreams about the last day of everything. Now, let me explain that rationally. I have dreams about the last day of school. I have dreams about our trip to Great America. I have dreams about the end of the season. And in each of these dreams, I can go on forever. On the field trip, I was running with my friends, past the rides and the souvenirs and the snack stands, and we were laughing, and I was out in front, and although we were going pretty fast, I wasn't afraid of the park ending because I knew the day would last forever.
I wish those dreams were grounded in reality. I want my beautiful summer back, when everything was okay, and Taylor wasn't gone, and school wasn't hard, and my sister wasn't such a little biotch, and my mom let me have reasonable freedom, and I could do so much more.
I don't like this list because it mentions how use of technology should be restricted to class-related activities. I know this sounds mean, but our teacher is handicapped so she won't be coming around to check this.
So far, we really haven't learned much in either of our college classes. Our speech professor means well and started a couple of lectures, but like me, he ends up on these detours that in the end get us pretty much nowhere. And in here, she makes everything longer than it has to be. Everything has a reason. Everything is expanded.
Wow, my friend who was reading over my shoulder is actually writing this all down! I'm just pretending to be. Since I'm such a smart kid, I have developed excellent skills at appearing like I'm doing the work.
And now I'm going to contribute a little something, to keep the teacher off my back. I've discovered that in the early weeks of school, volunteer early and just with little random facts that no one else will say. In math class, mention the next step when she asks for it. This puts the thought into their heads that you are a pretty smart kid who knows what they are talking about. Then hand in the assignments regularly, and don't goof off. Sit in the middle of the room--keep someone between you and the teacher, but not in the back.
I'm in the third phase of the plan. I keep an eye on what's going on at the front. I glance at the projector and pretend to take notes on the computer. I volunteer once or maybe twice, but not right at the beginning. I make eye contact with the teacher regularly.
This is the time when you can get away with a lot. The teachers aren't on guard and they don't know how bored you are yet. I am logging a lot of time on this thing, and actually this is one of the longest posts I've written so far.
But I can only blog so much. And so, I'll be logging off now so I can get some real work done. And not classwork.
See you in the afterlife.
ReplyDeleteI was actually taking notes, and so was Sandra!
OMG, you guys are so bad!
I'm not getting a defnite yes or no from my Mom about the con but I'm pretty sure that I can go. We just need to bug her at lunch tomorrow, and she'll say yes. Help me out!