
Up In the Depths of Despair

Okay, I have officially decided that my biology teacher sucks.
On our third day in his class, our class were on lecture behind the rest of the school and he gave us the quiz that they'd taken. Most of the class failed. Then yesterday, he gave us a PowerPoint assignment that was due today (which I finished ^-^). And then while we were doing our presentations, he learned a new word!! He then used that new word, "OMG", seven times throughout the rest of the class.
He can't really count, either, and he has a tendency to stare at people that we find very creepy.
But whatever. I'm now running for student government. I want to be activities director. So, imaginary people reading my blog, spread the word. And keep in mind that this is on top of my hockey practice, my writing, my social life on the internet, and the guitar lessons that I will soon be starting.
Oh yeah, and this kid who lives down the street and goes to my school plays lacrosse, and his mom found out that I play hockey, and now she wants me to play in my off season. It sounds cool, so I'm going for it.
I've got class now, so seeya!

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