
A Bunch Of Blahs

Farewell, my youth.
I did the math homework last night. I stayed up after midnight to finish it. AND I DID THE WRONG FRICKIN PAGE.
Well, I did the right page. But I did the wrong problems. I wrote down the problems for the optional page and did them for the mandatory page instead of doing the correct problems on the page.
So whatever. I'll get some of it wrong. The teacher probably won't mind.
And Holly and me just made Belzenef out of a paper bag. Dude it's so funny! He hasn't got any arms, so Holly stabbed her finger through the bag and made a hole. Her finger is now his arm. And everyone keeps thinking it's someone called Jeffrey.
So we have made a plan to make a real Belzenef. If you haven't read or watched Ouran High School Host Club and are wondering what it's about, then now is the time to do so.
And I became vice president of SECAnime.



Right, so the test is over and I'm hungry.
I love this keyboard. The one at home kind of sticks when you push the keys, and they're shaped badly for human fingers. Plus they make this annoying clicky sound, so everyone can tell that you're on the computer at ten thirty and you still haven't gotten off three hours after your little sister threw a tantrum about it.
But anyways. The test was pretty easy, although there was one question about oxygen diffusing that I think I screwed up, and there was another one that I'm not positive had any correct answer at all. All in all, I probably scraped a low A or a B.
And since I've been blogging and I caught up on the next chapters of manga, I now will work on my stories for a while and do some drawing, working on my characters Hex, Sensei, and Shiho. And when I get home from school, if it is tolerably cool outside, then I'll take some slapshots. Hopefully they will have improved from last time. I gave up because I couldn't get them more than five feet away from me.
The thing is, right at the beginning when I was practicing, I got a really good one. Low but off the ground, and this thing had velocity. But I have no idea what I was doing wrong. I tried about thirty more extremely depressing times, changing something every time. My feet. The position of the puck. How fast I hit it. How bent my knees were. How far down my hand was on the stick.
And none of it worked.
But on a more cheerful subject, lunch is coming up soon!
Aha. My fishing in the black hole of my backpack (I should call it that. It is black, too. The Black Hole.) unearthed a Chewy bar. Oatmeal raisin flavored.
Aww sweet! He gave us the rest of the period to either finish our homework or relax or btoh. I choose relax.
I got 27 out of 30. Odd Bikachu got 25, haha! I hardly ever used to beat her at tests. I suppose this has something to do with seventh grade, but I didn't learn much back then. I didn't like my teacher and she didn't like me.
Come to think of it, I didn't like most of my seventh grade teachers. I didn't like any of my eighth grade teachers. But here, well...they're okay.
My train of thoughts is quite interesting. Yesterday Jonnie-chan asked me something about something. I linked that something to another something, and then something that we could sell, and then money, and naturally candy followed money. So I assumed he had candy and I asked him for it, rather than answering his question which I couldn't read in the first place.
And that was another random blurb in the middle of nowhere. See, you can't really tell why all of a sudden I mentioned my train of thoughts. But me, who was in my head all along, can't help but understand it perfectly.
Gee, I wonder how many other people are doing things other than homework. (This was not part of the other train of thought, this is a new train. I was looking around the classroom for something else to write about.)
And here I said I would draw. But blogging is a lot of fun! I can just write randomly. I'm not organizing my thoughts or anything.
Which reminds me. I'm not going to like English class until we get to creative writing, and then I might hate it anyway. The teacher is making a big deal about not just jumping in and writing, but making an outline or a graph or a visual aid or something that shows what you are going to write before you write it.
I HATE things like organizers. I HATE HATE HATE them. They SUCK.
Why, you might ask? Because I am a creative writer. I know what my story is going to be about and I have already started working on it in my head. I don't want to waste time working on the mundane details and picking it down to the bones and then rearranging everything all nicey-nice. It messes with the story. My stories and essays flow, they don't jump from one part of a chart to another. My stories are like days--they just move along, from one thing to the next, with the important bits standing out. Everything is connected. Even in this blog, I don't just randomly grab a new topic and...
Did you know that 13 people are killed every year by falling vending machines? I guess that's a reason why you shouldn't hit them when they don't work. It doesn't matter if they steal your money or not, you still don't want to
Less than one percent of all road accidents in Canada involve a moose. Weird, eh?
So when I got home, my mom told me about when my little sister--Let me explain this first. She was about three, and I was about six because this was in March when she's only three years younger than me, whose birthday is in May on
...start writing about it suddenly. I really don't. I might skip around a little, but there's always a connection.
Four--no, nine--minutes left until lunch. Well, occasionally I do that, but that's when the previous topic is finished.
To get back to my original point about the organizers, I hate taking apart the story and putting it in specific little bits. That's like creating a painting for a frame that's already been hung. (I hope nobody sues me about that. It was an example from Ouran High School Host Club.) It disrupts the story and the stream of thoughts.
I mean, sure, I take a lot of detours. The reason for that is that I am developing the background for the story. The characters and their lives start expanding in my head, until I can tell you why she doesn't like peanut butter and jelly when she doesn't even think about it throughout the entire story. So I do take some often unnecessary detours. But I always get back on the road, and I can edit out the off-topic rambling in the next draft.
A road would be a good metaphor here. So I'm riding along on my road, which is my story or essay, and someone tells me I have to go from here to here. I'm perfectly okay with going from there to there, so I do. Then they tell me I have to stop at certain places, and I can't go off this part of the road at all but there is a place here where there might possibly be a branch to a shortcut or an alternate route and then I have to know what direction I'm going and which towns I will pass through and how far it is to this town from this town and how long it will take me to get there.
When the road is broken up into little parts such as "This place until this place" and "That place to another place" it really halts things too much. I prefer to just drive, with the open possiblities.
And there's the bell. So ends my ramble.
Off to our first club meeting evar!!!
Okay, so it's been a while since I last blogged.
Two certain people didn't show up and one certain person did and I still can't believe it. Actually, three certain people didn't show up and I can believe it, I just don't want to. What a completely selfish and obnoxious and asshole-ish thing to do! He either has a lot of nerve, no sense of danger, or really annoying parents.
Anyway, I was already in a state of emotional shock and then there was the problem that I didn't mention specifically in my last post. So by Sunday night, I was pretty worn out.
And yesterday wasn't so fun, either. Although on the bright side, there isn't much homework so far except for some math that I forgot to do. I read Skip Beat and I was very happy with what happened after the kiss. Which, by the way, I HATED because she doesn't need a guy!! But of course she'll have to end up with one, and that one should be Ren. NOT Shotaro, the asshole who abandoned her.
So that reminds me of an asshole that abandoned me, which leads me back to the beginning of the post and the one person that did show up.
Yes, I am talking about Taylor. And considering the song by Pink "Please Don't Leave Me." I especially like the threatening parts.
I really wish I could show up to stick and puck next Sunday so I can see him and ignore him and I'm hoping to get Ryan to come and as many other people as possible and then we'll all have fun and laugh at Taylor and Brandon. I really don't care about Brandon. It was actually a good thing he left before he got cut. But Brandon only left because Taylor left. Damn.
I wish other people cared about this shit as much as I do. Well, not exactly because a certain aspect of that would be creepy. But anyways...I have always hated Benedict Arnold. Unless he was working for Britain the ENTIRE time, which he wasn't. He went over to the dark side. Just like Anakin.
Okay, enough about boys already. I would love to etch all my crushes into my skull and then forget them. It's too...what's the word...inconvenient. Yes, it's too inconvenient to have to worry about all of this shit.
I'm supposed to be studying for the biology test that we will be having in ten minutes. But I still don't believe in cramming yet. I expect I will by the end of the year, and by junior year I will be addicted to Dr. Pepper. But not yet.
I'm also trying to decide if I should play on the sixteen-and-under team next year. On the one hand, I didn't like pretty much anybody on that team and I'm a girl. Things are really different when you're fifteen and sixteen.
But on the other hand, the year after that I get to play with the guys on this team. That would be super fun, and I might be big enough and strong enough if I get my way.
Oh, so my binder is now super heavy, thanks to AcaDec and Andrea. Grr. I was perfectly willing to carry the music packet, but it was only because she was whining about her binder that I agreed to take it for her. (Well, that and the certain person nearby. I have no shame. I'm not a very good friend.)
And all I have left of four bags of candy that I bought the other day is one stinkin' lollipop.
I'm sure it's a very good lollipop. But how did my peppermints and my gummy catepillars disappear so fast? Was it my kitty?
ttyl! ;D


I Don't Envy Anyone Reading My Mind

It's bad enough being with my own thoughts.
I do not expect anyone to understand this blog. You should not expect to understand a word I am saying. And with that understanding, I launch into symbolism.
I hate the whispers and the whisperer. I know my past and present, so why do I understand my future so well? And why won't they understand? Don't they know the time is running out? Don't they see my reasons why? It's all out in the open. I am shouting from my mountain, but no one can find me. And why am I so upset, when I was the one who wanted it that way?
I am in limbo, unable to move. Trapped and burning, a mass of self-destruction. Just a ghost, or a specter of my undeterminable and yet utterly knowable future. I am doomed and I am the one with the keys in hand. But they keys are buried and I am long dead, so why am I surprised?
I can't see the future of my now, only of my then. I hate myself for not knowing, for not learning. I don't understand. Do I want to lose it all? Did I all along? And how can I flee when my escape is no longer? Because it is not the escape, but me, that has changed.
Then again, I haven't changed. I have never changed. How can he not see that? How can he not see this part of my pain? I made it so clear. I was always clear and changing, shifting the instant he saw through. And that's the way I always am. But how can I be so faithless in my hatred?
And the world is calling. How can I find my answer when I am like this?
That's the truest question. Maybe we only find it in the deep of the agony.

Tasteless Culture

And just when I thought the week would never end.

Already, the days are starting to do that thing where they kind of all blend together, and when you look back, you can pinpoint interesting things that happened, but you can't remember

--I don't even remember that day. Pretty damn sad.


A Short Eternity

It's been a while since I last posted anything, so I am way behind.
But WE WON!!!!!!!!
That's right, our very first game evar was this Sunday. The score was 6-4. And twice, they were ahead of us by one point. We were tied for most of the game, though. It was only toward the end that we began to dominate. Our coach was super proud of us.
Afterwards, my dad and I went to Country Waffles and we were joined by three of the other people on the team. I sat at a table with them and one of the kids (he is on the short side) ordered a huge plate of food. He got large hash browns, something unidentifiable, and something I don't remember. Plus two pancakes. My point is, it was a lot of food and he didn't finish it.
We just told a bunch of crazy stories. One kid lives up in the foothills and it snows there, so he had a lot of funny stories such as the time his friend built 8 identical snowmen across the road.
And now I think I did pretty well on my history test, although I don't know about those essay questions....Hmm....Well, I did my best and that's what matters!
The anime club has really taken off. We printed out the constitution and finished our application. So far, we have almost 20 members. That would be about one of every six people in the school!
Anyway...that's all!
(For now, anyways....>:D)


Practice Makes Imperfect[ions Obvious]

I can’t decide if I am bored or sleepy, which is a major pain in the ass. I could go either way. I could shut down this computer and go to sleep. But I could also stay up a few more hours, having fun planning clubs and parties and thinking about the games.
Several people were absent from practice today. Three, to be exact, but there is also a girl who isn’t on the team but practices with us, so technically we were minus two people. We had eight skaters total, which means we could play 4 on 4. However, our coach was also absent.
Our assistant coach was there, but he was having trouble dividing up the lines. We don’t have regular lines yet, which might be a problem come Sunday during our game. I eventually ended up as a right wing with a center who is pretty much our best player.
Our best player from last year was an asshole to people that weren’t very good (especially me). This year, our best player is nice to everyone (including me). He doesn’t talk much, at least not to me, but at least he passes to me. Once we figured out what the other person was doing, we played really well together. I got a few assists in our mini-scrimmage and almost scored twice; he scored about ten times. I’m not exaggerating. Well, okay, I’m not exaggerating very much. He’s got a very scary shot. Even our awesome goalies are somewhat afraid of him.
It was a pretty sloppy practice, though. Everyone seemed really tired. And I am including myself in the everyone. I was tired too, although I did skate hard when it mattered.
Our game this weekend could suck, rock, or both. Our best players are very good, as are our goalies. On the other hand, our worst players are very bad. Which reminds me, I really need to take shots and work out every day. You have to be dedicated to play sports, particularly hockey. I am discovering that injuries during hockey season are a part of life. My neck hurts and I’ve got new bruises. But it’s completely worth it.
I did just have practice tonight, so I’d better get off the computer so I can take a shower. I might be back later though ;)


Wide Awake And Yawning

This is my least favorite class, except for math which I hold special hatred for.
The cold air pours from the vents, resulting in goosebumps for all those idiots in the front row (hi). The PowerPoint is a source of incredible monotony. No one actually takes notes, and you have to strike a delicate balance between eye contact with the teacher and staring at the computer screen.
But I was smart today. I sat on the left side of the row so I could charge the laptop. I sat behind the projector, where the warm air comes out the back end and cancels the freezing air from the vents.
Oh, but I am really hungry and bored and tired and annoyed and I have practice tonight and a game this weekend and there is no point to this blog, is there?
Okay. Signing off.

I Got An Education

....But not at school.
I'm so hungry! And we ran out of PopTarts and Chewy granola bars and fruit rolls and fruit juice snacks and other junky junk foods, so for breakfast I had part of a bagel and a banana. And for lunch next period, I can look forward to the rest of that half a bagel, HunnyNutCheery!O's, and a Tricks yogurt.
I want Halloween to hurry up, already. I have to remember to ask my parents if I can have a Halloween party this year, in lieu of a gingerbread house decorating party, which used to be like an annual event. I want to have my friends over in costume. We'll hang out and maybe carve pumpkins or something, and then we'll go trick-or-treating, and then we'll come home and watch a scary movie like the Blair Witch Project. I wonder if Halloween is on a Friday or Saturday. Maybe I could have a sleepover...but then again, I might have a game on the next day. I'll see about it.
I know that kind of sounds childish and stuff, but we could even have my little sister tag along and so we would get babysitter status. Besides, I never really had a lot of friends to share Halloween with because the few friends I had lived in other neighborhoods.
I figured out a way to do my makeup so I look very pale with shadows under my eyes. I'm going to be a grim reaper, and I'm gonna cover up an old hockey stick with black and silver paint to be my scythe. And then all I will need is a really cool black cloak.
We are going to take a biology test now! I super-hate tests. I had to take a test in AcaDec today and I'm pretty sure I failed because I didn't read the chapters I was supposed to, and guess what? The test was on those specific chapters. So today, I'm going to have to do some major reading and revising of notes and stuff like that. I want to be a starter this year.
Speaking of which, our coach got us a scrimmage this weekend! But it's at 7 in the morning and it's an hour away and we have to be there about an hour early. That means I have to get up at around 4. That part of it sucks.
But at least we have a game, and at least I'm doing well. I'm getting stronger and my shots have improved a lot. Plus, I'm so tall that I can check other people very much easier than last year. And we might be going up against some of the traitors that left our rink a while ago.
That's the way it goes at our rink. We find some decent players, get them on a team, improve their skills, and then they move on and we have to find other people. It sucks, but that's the way it is.
Bored. Hungry. Tired. Bored. Did I mention bored?
Whatever. I finished my test early. I usually do. My grade might be absolutely awesome, or it might not be so good, but I almost always finish the test early. And at our school, early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. So technically early is unacceptable too...?
Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. I'm pretty sure I got 10 out of 10 on the test plus the bonus questions, so I might even be able to get my B up to an A!
Here I come, Ivy League!


Yay For Inanimate Objects!

I was putting the computer to sleep and then it wouldn’t turn back on and then I turned it off and so I thought I lost the document. But I didn’t!
And here I was, about to rage about my hatred for certain inanimate objects.

Happy Depressing Hour!

I am not tired and I should be. I totally should be tired right now.
It’s ten thirty. Why am I not tired?
Could it possibly be related to the fact that I had three sodas today? I am such a pig. I knew I shouldn’t have had that one at Togo’s. But I wanted the chips, and it was a combo deal… So I got a root beer with Pepsi and Dr Pepper added.
I’m listening to the radio. I found a new station. It’s great, although a little fuzzy. But it’s the kind of music I like.
Oh, this ad is so horribly unrealistic. Yeah, yeah, I’m so sure that every guy is gonna rush to buy diamond earrings for his girlfriend upon hearing it.
Note to self: do not mention boys unless you want to spiral down a lonely, hate-filled path. Did I mention my favorite lyrics are the chorus to “Ready, Aim, Misfire” by New Years Day? Yeah, they are. If you look up the lyrics, you will understand. Put it this way—I have crushed on somewhere between seventeen and twenty guys. One became my boyfriend. The most I ever got was a hug. No kissing, no holding hands, no dating. I’ve become fairly depressed in regards to my love life.
And I would be more optimistic about getting a boyfriend this year, except that the guys at school…well, I won’t say anything against them. I’m just not that interested in anybody at school. I might say yes to certain people, but I’m not going out to get any one of them. And the guys at hockey…there’s only one I can think of, or actually two, that would even have the slightest possibility of asking me out and I don’t like one of them and the other one is not only kind of the quiet type but, I dunno, it seems like guys who play hockey don’t date girls on the same team.
I wish.
And I’m talking about this while a racy discussion is going on behind me. I’m all alone in the house (well, technically the other 3 people are here, just asleep), and so apparently the DJs discuss *ahem* questionable topics. I don’t suppose this is illegal, but still. It’s annoying to have to listen to all of this…there is no word to describe all of this. Apparently these two DJs give out advice on this stuff.
I’m ignoring it as much as possible until the music comes back on.
Now I’m going to explain why this says I posted it in the morning. I wrote it at night when I have no internet access. I typed it up on Word and then I pasted it onto the blog. I wish I could be like my friend Odd Becca and just stay up all night on the internet but you know, some people don’t have entire downstairs apartments to themselves with an extra computer that has internet access at all hours. My parents check on me.
It sucks. Thanks for your concern.
Oh, and now there’s this dude who is addicted to painkillers talking to them. Apparently his friend broke a leg and then gave him the extra painkillers, and then when he had an operation it somehow activated this addiction…uh I don’t quite understand the situation.
But whatever. I wish I could draw, but I don’t want to risk turning on my lamp because my mom is sick and might get up in the middle of the night, and my dad is sleeping in the living room, which my room is right next to. So I suppose I’ll go to sleep.
……..So much for that. I am super bored. Super bored. Super super super super bored. La lalalala lala lla lalal a lalla lalla la ala mode ice cream pie yum dessert oh candy…
Oops, I shouldn’t have had that third soda. We’re back where we started. My tragic love life…T.T
And what makes it even more tragic is that I’m addicted to shojo manga, so I read all these wonderful stories about girls and guys living happily ever after. Ah, whatever the heck. Whatever. Gyaaaugh. Blooomf. Sheeeargy. Booooooooonk. Igglewimpfuly.
For those who know me, you know this affliction that plagues me. “Imaginationitis”.
Caused by an excess amount of imagination, boredom, and creative outlets combined. Incurable. Diagnosed by the making up of unreal words.
Oh excellent! Music!
Goddamn. It was just the lead-in for back to the racy panel.
Whatever. I’m going to try and go to sleep.


Title: Title: Title: Title:

...dear God, I am bored. I know that's not your problem. I was just letting you know.
Oh why can't things just stay the way they were when they change? I miss Taylor. I went to my uncle and aunt's house today for a vegan barbeque. And of course that made me remember last season, when everything was perfectly screwed up.
Don't worry, I don't expect anyone else to understand what I'm saying.


Overdue Punctuality

Oh what the hecky...
La lala ala mode ice cream pie...
....Can you tell that I am bored and hungry? Well, I am. I'm in biology. Fun. We have not done any labs. We are getting our second chapter test tomorrow. Our second chapter test, tomorrow, will be on chapter two. Tomorrow we will be doing the chapter two test.
Now it's after lunch and I am in journalism class, where I will shortly be required to close down my laptop yet again. *sigh*


I Am Not A Starving Artist

I make contradictory titles.
Anyway, has anybody noticed that in practically every blog I mention food or being hungry?
Well, I do. And this is not because I don't eat a lot or I eat way too much. I eat lunch, breakfast, dinner, and snacks. I eat about as much as the average teenager. But I'm still very hungry during school.
I think I'm addicted to junk food. I need to break this habit for my health. But I love it so...
Whatever. I gotta get some water cuz I'm thirstier than I am hungry for once and there's someone at the door so, like my kitty, I must investigate. Also, it's late o'clock at night.

Creative Sheep

Hello hello hello!!!
So, I read Odd and now I'm all fired up about our anime/manga/comics club. We will fund raise for the majority of our money. We'll have our own prez, vice prez, and treasurer. We can meet on Fridays either after school or during lunch in Room Ten (I think that's the one that isn't being used) and go to conventions. We can rent 15-passenger vans or have parents carpool us to the conventions. We'll make our own T-shirts. The club will have several objectives: reading and discussing manga and anime, creating and producing manga and anime, and sharing manga and anime with the community. We'll have an art showcase and festival twice a school year. Eventually, we should be able to get our own artists' table at the conventions.
We will have about 25 members, I think. Me and all my friends, plus a few kinda-friends (that's the thing with our school--there are pretty much your friends and your kinda-friends and that's all we have room for) and some other people who we don't know about. We'll elect the officers at the first meeting. We'll have one of the teachers to mentor us. (Oh, Ms. S has those manga chibis in her room on her bulletin board. I know many among us could be more pleased with her, but she might know something about art. Other than that, Ms. W. )
We'll have sign-up sheets to go to the conventions so we know who is going. We can handle it outside of school so we won't need permission slips. I think the cost per person, counting transportation and food and tickets but not souvenirs would be about 35 dollars. That's doable for mostly everyone at our school. And then you'd have to bring your own money for souvenirs. At the meetings before the conventions, we would also have one or two people responsible for collecting all the contest entries and decide on the time we leave and the time we get there.
We can each create our own T-shirts that have to say the name of the club on the front left, but whatever on the back. Chibis, slogans, whatever. We can give each other comissions, too, and the more experienced artists could even hold manga seminars every month during club meetings.
The club's objectives would be reading/watching/dicussing/producing/sharing manga, anime, and comics. We'd each pitch in and fund-raise to pay for the subscription of at least 3 magazines--one shojo magazine, Shonen Jump, and maybe a seinen one (although I have no idea what seinen manga acutally is...). We'd have one manga and anime that we would follow from each category, to be voted on during meetings. Then we'd discuss it and study different styles and history of manga/anime. I happen to have an incredibly remarkable book that contains great secrets about how to make great manga. It emphasizes working on art in general, and creating your own style, and also has production tips. We would eventually have our own website, hopefully linked to the school's website.
And then there's our school's manga/anime/comics festival. Our club would run it, and it would involve seminars by our artists/editors/fans, plus stalls where our crafts (handmade posters, T-shirts, buttons, plushies, hats, etc.) would be sold (50% benefits to our school) and also hopefully a cosplay and art contest. We'd have to work closely with our activities directors, but I think we could basically run the whole show.
Our long-term objectives would be to have festivals/showcases at least once a year, have at least one group trip to an anime convention, produce our own art and manga each year to enter in various contests, and collect our own archives of manga and anime.
I also think we should start talking to kids at our school to see how many people would be interested, get them involved with drawing up a plan during lunch, and then taking that plan to our mentor teacher and Mr. H. When/if they agree, we would compile our objectives and ideas into one or two handouts and then hold an introductory meeting during lunch time. During that time, we would sign people up for the club, vote for our officers, and explain/decide on pretty much everything we're going to do over the year.
I am totally going nuts with this. I'm gonna have to look over this post and take notes, and then take it to my room where I will spend a lot of time under the covers working on a decent explanatory document.
Whatever. We begin our crusade tomorrow.
Revision: we begin our project tomorrow. The crusades were horrible times. People basically went to war over what religion you belonged to and who got the right to the Holy Land.
So, my friends, whether you read this or not, we're starting tomorrow. Be prepared to talk to a lot of people, students as well as teachers (or the other way around) and be prepared to have me boss you around. Bikachu, let's just keep tossing this idea back and forth, adding to it.
What do you think?

Military Intelligence

I'm being a responsible student.
I stayed up late last night to finish my homework (which I failed to do), take a shower (which succeeded in giving me a bad hair day today) and eat my ice cream (which was delicious). I went to bed at an unreasonable hour (eleven thirty, which is early for me) and got up at seven twenty-five to get to a school that starts at eight (and so I made it on time, just barely).
And when I get home today, I have to eat a snack, clean the kitty litterboxes, and go to practice. My shot sucks horribly, and I need to practice, but I am a Master Procrastinator. And I'm afraid of failure. And I'm forgetful. And it's all my fault.
Oh, this is serious shit. I mean, yeah, they said they were gonna treat us like adults, but that's too much for many high school boys to handle in the classroom. Thank goodness there are only two of them in the room.
Sad, isn't it? There are twice as many girls as boys in the school. This may cause problems.
Which is why I turn to the ice rink for boyfriend material. Shame there isn't much.
Anyway, our speech teacher is trying to build our self-esteem and self-confidence before we start public speaking. Whatever. I'm not happy with myself because I know I should be improving myself and I'm not, but I am reasonably confident about not only my speaking abilities but my other abilities too. I know what I am capable of in life and right now.
But he's got the right idea. At least it's not all happy-feely like this one shit program the district threw out called "Get Along Together" or some idiotic title along those lines.
It was ridiculous. We were expected to write down some "I" sentences. Such as, "I feel angry when you call me a bitch. It makes me angry because I don't deserve to be called a bitch by such an asshole. Please don't call me names anymore."
Oh. My. Dog!!!!!!
Just kidding, I don't have a dog. Wish I did...but I love my cats too. I want fishies in a tank. My snake died. So did a bird that flew into our house and tried to go out the sliding glass door when it was shut.
My little sister is going overboard planning for Halloween. She's been nagging me for the past week. Today is the first day of effin' September. She should back off, particularly when I am in a bad mood.
Ah, damn, I broke my student ID again. Well, I fixed it easily using the same piece of tape, but it's the second month of school and it's broken twice. Plus, it's tacky and now I have to punch a hole in the tape.
This morning, I suffered through a test on a Tale of Two Cities. One test for every chapter. It was group work. Our group Does Not Play Well With Others. So we all basically did it on our own. I mean, it wasn't a real test. It was more like a study sheet in test form. But I'm still trying to catch up on the reading and it doesn't help now that she also wants us to read SparkNotes and the DemiDec reading guide and then fill out these tests.
But at least I'm getting an A in the class. I'm averaging a B in all my other classes because I'm not used to working. Once I get adjusted to the work, I might get somewhere around a low A.
So then, my school life is going to start working out, my social life is partly dead and partly thriving, my art life is kind of stuck, and my hockey life is not going so great. Very whatever nothing.
La, la la la. zI amz tizzredz azzndzz huzzznzgryzz.
YYYaaaawwwwwnnnn IIII aaammm sssuuupppeeerrr ttttiirreeddd aaannnd bbboorreeeedd.
Another thing I learned from the speech workbook is that we are bored when someone talks a lot not because the subject is boring, but because we think faster than we listen. Like, an whole lot faster than we hear anything.
I wonder how much longer until lunch. Oh. Forty minutes or so. #$&%*&$%*. [CENSORED]
I want food. I want to get out of this room. I want to curl up with my stereo on talking to a boyfriend on instant message and working on a manga or a story and then go outside to the rink and take shots. I miss my imaginary life...
And so, I work to begin my new awesome life!!!