
Young Adults

So wussup?
It's been a while.
Yeah, I really don't care. I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm not happy to be here because I'd really rather be drawing and reading my copy of Shonen Jump that I just got (including a brand new series called Tegami Bachi and another called Black Cat) or drawing, or both. Plus I want to know if I won the election or not.
Since there are going to be two of us, all I have to do is get second. But there are seven people on the ballot, even if there are only three people actually running.
The teacher says it wasn't an obvious win for anything. Well, actually, there was one obvious win. My kinda buddy Jorelyn is running for student senate rep. She's the only one running. So she's the only one with a chance of winning.
A few people said they saw my clever poster and liked it. It had a bunch of happy chibis doing various activities. A few were holding money, a few were dressed up for Halloween, and others were dancing or playing in the snow (pity we don't get any here). And what I said was "This could be you. All you have to do is vote Emily for activities director, and get instant access to fun festivals, great fundraisers, and awesome dances. Side effects may include extreme happiness, sense of humor and incurable smiles. Rated S for [the name of mah scoolio which I will NOT be giving to you...]."
And the funny part is, that poster was a last-ditch effort that I began about 45 minutes before school got out.
Wonder if I won....ZOMFG FOODZ!!!!!


A Modern Classic

So I'm in history class. No talking is allowed, and we are taking a test.
Or I was taking a test. I finished quickly, like I usually do, and now I'm on here. So far, I got an A on the test because I only missed one of the multiple choice, but the teacher has to manually grade the essay questions and I'm positive I screwed up on at least one and possibly all four.
Some kids have realized that yes, there is a question about Socrates and yes, there are two posters of him up on the walls. But those posters aren't helpful. I already checked. I had to go on my own knowledge.
Apparently the Gracchus brothers tried to help the plebians. I guessed that they tried to get them and the slaves to rebel. I probably got that wrong and I'm thinking now that I should have read the textbook instead of watching Potter Puppet Pals with my buddy Holly.
I started a new manga called Hatred. It's about teddy bears that come to life. This old guy who calls himself the Puppet Master makes toys, and now he has created this sort of army of teddy bears that will destroy their children and capture other children that cause problems. He's looking for a vital ingredient found in many children that will allow him to reclaim his youth, or something like that. And he's a little psycho.
Anyway, this one bear, Piccolo, wakes up with no memories of his past life with his child. He isn't like the other bears that are "alive" because he has a heart (although he doesn't know this) and he can see and understand things. He has a necklace of keys that unlock various worlds and things and even one that unlocks the Puppet Master's workshop, but he doesn't know what they are for yet. He also has a magical bag that carries magical items such as the 5 Stones of Power. They each contain an element (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light) and have another mysterious use.
Piccolo has to set out on his own and defeat the other bears as well as the Puppet Master and free the children who have been captured by the bears. Along the way, he meets up with a boy named Jaz, whose bear abandoned him; Zipper, a little terrier that acts big; Mercy, a black cat who is rumored to have killed several children; and the Guardian Bears, who have come to life somehow and are sworn to protect their children from harm.
And then there's Piccolo's forgotten past. His child was named Shaya, and she was a special child who could create things with her imagination. She created him to protect him and to save the other children. Now Shaya is locked up in the Puppet Master's workshop with several other special children.
Coolio, isn't it? I'm already working on the characters. And come to think of it, I probably should be doing that right now. But you know...there are still people working on the test, and teachers get touchy when someone gets out a notebook during a test, even if it is an online test.
Well I can see that Holly is drawing or something. She and Becca are working on this Harry Potter fan fiction manga. It's pretty funny, and not even about Harry. They have made up their own characters except for the teachers.
So I guess I'm gonna stop blogging now and play Tanks and draw. Yeah. So. Um. Bye.
...I'm hungry...


Profound Nonsense

Oh, I really don't like this.
I'm stuck, hungry, near the front of the college room, blogging, and the professor is getting us to come up with rules for the classroom. I want my yogurt...
So, the latest update on my life:
I'm going to the convention on Saturday with somewhere between one and four friends. I'm entering the amateur art contest there. I'm going to practice tonight and my dad is getting me a Subway so that I can eat without going home, because of my little sister's Back To Stupidity Night. I'm friendly with Riley (*cheer*) and unfriendly with Taylor (*sniff*) and I have mild feelings of hatred toward Rick, Adam, and Brandon. I'm filling up my memory stick steadily with stories. So far I have sixty-three.
I'm gonna go a bit abstract now. I have these recurring dreams about the last day of everything. Now, let me explain that rationally. I have dreams about the last day of school. I have dreams about our trip to Great America. I have dreams about the end of the season. And in each of these dreams, I can go on forever. On the field trip, I was running with my friends, past the rides and the souvenirs and the snack stands, and we were laughing, and I was out in front, and although we were going pretty fast, I wasn't afraid of the park ending because I knew the day would last forever.
I wish those dreams were grounded in reality. I want my beautiful summer back, when everything was okay, and Taylor wasn't gone, and school wasn't hard, and my sister wasn't such a little biotch, and my mom let me have reasonable freedom, and I could do so much more.
I don't like this list because it mentions how use of technology should be restricted to class-related activities. I know this sounds mean, but our teacher is handicapped so she won't be coming around to check this.
So far, we really haven't learned much in either of our college classes. Our speech professor means well and started a couple of lectures, but like me, he ends up on these detours that in the end get us pretty much nowhere. And in here, she makes everything longer than it has to be. Everything has a reason. Everything is expanded.
Wow, my friend who was reading over my shoulder is actually writing this all down! I'm just pretending to be. Since I'm such a smart kid, I have developed excellent skills at appearing like I'm doing the work.
And now I'm going to contribute a little something, to keep the teacher off my back. I've discovered that in the early weeks of school, volunteer early and just with little random facts that no one else will say. In math class, mention the next step when she asks for it. This puts the thought into their heads that you are a pretty smart kid who knows what they are talking about. Then hand in the assignments regularly, and don't goof off. Sit in the middle of the room--keep someone between you and the teacher, but not in the back.
I'm in the third phase of the plan. I keep an eye on what's going on at the front. I glance at the projector and pretend to take notes on the computer. I volunteer once or maybe twice, but not right at the beginning. I make eye contact with the teacher regularly.
This is the time when you can get away with a lot. The teachers aren't on guard and they don't know how bored you are yet. I am logging a lot of time on this thing, and actually this is one of the longest posts I've written so far.
But I can only blog so much. And so, I'll be logging off now so I can get some real work done. And not classwork.
See you in the afterlife.

Edible Cafeteria Food

I'm so hungryyy, oh so hungryyy, I have no foodies, to eat right now....
The brownie I mentioned in my last post has long since vanished. My marshmallows are in my backpack, the fruit roll is being digested, and my Gobstoppers are hidden under my pillow at home.
For my dear friend reading over my shoulder, hello. It's nice of you to be worried about what I'm doing and kindly F*CK THE HECK OFF. You are NOT getting your hands on my Gobstoppers.
So far at school today, I have heard other people mention toast, s'mores, pancakes, cake, soda, muffins, and assorted other foods.
I am really really hungry. I just remembered the yogurt in my backpack, but I cannot access that for another hour and a half. *sigh*
Our college professor for Computer Science is asking us to volunteer rules for acceptable college behavior. This is what we got so far:
  1. No talking while the professor is lecturing
  2. Take notes on important topics
  3. Pay attention
  4. Come to class prepared to learn the material (bring completed assignments, note supplies, et.)

And that's what we've got.

Oily Water

I'm typing this as I eat my brownie in biology class. Weird class, huh? Yup. It is. It really is. Mostly everyone else is looking up the pH of various substances. Of course I, possessing a mind of a brilliant nature, started looking it up first. And consequently, I was finished first.
Ah haha, Becca is hunched over her computer like there's no manana. Darn, I suppose there's no way to put the proper accent mark in there...ah well...now it just looks like a strange relative of banana.
This brownie tastes odd. Oh well, I suppose I can wash it down with marshmallows and my fruit roll.
Yes, I have bad habits with junk food. So sue me.
My new motto is, "Be prepared...to share junk food and wild adventures!"
Sounds like an ad for a theme park. Yay I love theme parks! Such as Six Flags and Great America. If we have a game near Vallejo, I wonder if I can convince Coach to let us stop there. That would be ultimately hilariously fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this great new yogurt shop opened up near my house. They give you a cup and you can fill it with any flavors and any toppings and then they weigh it. The first time I went there, it ended up being like six dollars. But I'd love to share it with my team!
Ah, there is the bell. Merciful Person Upstairs! Thank you!


A Hostile Ally

For our more illiterate friends out there, I'd like to point out that no, "ally" is not a misspelling. It means a friend that helps you out when you are attacked. Related words include "alliance" and "allies".
But anyway!
Yeah, so my mom doesn't want me to have a blog anymore. Well, she's okay with me having one, but she has to supervise and read every post from now on. So I guess this means no deviantart, no myspace, no facebook, and now no blog.
For my mom: Please stop being so paranoid. I am not an idiot. Many of my friends blog and none of them has been stalked. Many of my friends have a MySpace and none of them have been stalked. I am not going to be stalked by any weird person I meet on the internet, because I'm not so stupid that I would meet any weird people. And I'm not going to put anything I'd regret on here.
For my dad: If some sort of "parental supervision" is mandatory henceforth after this post, I'd prefer it if you read it. I feel that you have a more realistic view of the world.
Yes, I am typing this while I am angry and I know that there will be consequences. But I seriously doubt that I'm going to regret it.
For my friends: You can clearly see why I have no life.
And on that happy note, I conclude today's posts.

Similar Differences

J/k, kind of.
I'm having hot dogs for dinner. So I'll talk to you losers later.
I might get to be in a band. I might get to go to a convention. I might have an awesomely awesome season. The world is full of possiblities.

A Normal Weirdo

Hey, it's me.
Big surprise, I know.
So, how many people have read my blog by now? Probably zero? Yeah, that's what I thought. If I'm wrong, so help me and comment!!!
Well so far I am back to hating my life. Yeah, I can't enter my art in the amateur art contest because I can't go there on Saturday. The team picnic is that same day, and I might also have a game that day too. I'm screwed.
It wasn't like I expected to win or anything, but I still wanted to enter and get experience. Which reminds me, my mom doesn't want me to have an account on deviantart because she doesn't like the name. WTF??? I mean, yeah, deviant means...basically...having...characteristics of a...slut...but it's not like I'm a slut and it's not like anyone with an account on deviantart is also gonna be a slut. Sheesh.
Yeah, I'm in this place with my art where random people say "Ohh you're so good" and my parents say "This is so nice" and my sister says "Can you draw something for me" but all my friends say "Yeah that's okay look at my awesome funny chibis!!!"
And I found this really good book telling how to draw manga. It's much better than those "How To Draw Manga" sh*t the library has. It teaches you to be a better artist and then how to develop your own style of drawing while learning the techniques of producing manga.
So basically I'm trying to use human anatomy in my drawings. It's a lot harder than I thought, especially when it comes to proportions of heads and shape of limbs and size of neck and stuff like that. Although, I have been using my friend's chibis for reference, with some mixed results. I made a great few scenes for an English project, and maybe I can scan it and put it on an illegal deviantart account. XD
Heh heh...next time.

Awesomely Awesome Awesomeness

Guess what I did this weekend?
Never mind, I'll tell you.
I rolled out of bed at eleven or so. I grabbed about ten waffles and wolfed them down with with either syrup, cane sugar, or butter. Then I got my skates and waited near the front door for about half an hour until my mom stopped talking to my dad about what to do while she was gone and when my sister's friend was going home and we finally went to the rink.
And I'm now friends with Riley!!!!
Oh happy day, I got to hang out at the rink basically all day yesterday and with Caitlin and Riley and without Rick and Ricky and the other assholes that plague my life.
And now I am sitting happily outside the school eating Rolos and Gobstoppers and conversing with my friends about the joys of Harry Potter fan fiction and boys. There's a lovely breeze and we are sitting in the shade and I sent Taylor a strongly worded message. I'm so happy!
Ah, I love life.
And I expect in my next entry I'll be complaining. I do that a lot. I'm rather extreme and I'm a hotheaded person. That's not a good combination. Oh yeah, and I have a temper "problem".
What can I say? I play a violent sport, I whack my friends when I get "mad" at them, and when I was two years old I spent hours stabbing an old cardboard box with a nail.
Yes, I'm weird. Yes, I admit it. Yes, I'm listening to Green Day.
And yes, I'm going to stop blogging now so I can play a game where I can blow things up.
May the force be with you.


This End Down

So hey again!
...Nobody is reading this, are they?
I didn't think so. But anyway, I'll write even though nobody cares because that is my calling in life. I shall bring entertainment to the human race. Yes I shall! I shall become a successful mangaka and a musician, as well as a brilliant athlete and OWW
Yeah, so anyways I broke my toenail. Yes, it hurts, thanks so much for the concern. I was at back-to school night, a sordid affair, and I was so incredibly bored that I began kicking a basketball over and over at the chainlink fence.
Turns out, basketballs aren't meant to be kicked. Who knew?
That's what the OWW was about. Not to mention I scraped the skin off my knee and forgot to put a band-aid on it and so then it really hurt when I was practicing. No biggie, though. I've had worse. Especially when a certain SOMEONE ran into me last season and fell on top of me, landing on my spinal cord and therefore ruining my skating ability for the rest of practice. And then the same SOMEONE hit me the other day when I didn't have my mouth guard and my tooth nearly fell out.
Aww, you guys are so sweet. Yeah, I'm okay. No, really.
I've never had study hall before. I think I rather like it. We have wireless throughout the entire building, so I can type this up at my leisure. The downsides? There are none.
Nay, nay, I jest. This computer is controlled by the district and so ZOMFG THATS HILARIOUS. This kid just said copying and pasting from the internet was profanity.
For those of you who don't know what the correct term is, it's plagerism. Or plaigerism. Whatever. Profanity is cuss words.
But are there drawbacks to having a district-controlled computer? Definitely. Absolutely. We can't go on YouTube, MySpace, Quizilla, Facebook, etc.
There is a reason why we are getting all this technology, and it has some things to do with our principal's illustrious goals for this wonderful school. But it also has some other things to do with the fact that the district superintendant's daughter is going to the school.
In fact, in student government today, she asked permission to print out little buttons for her campaign. Buttons, I ask you. Buttons. First of all, if you read the student code of conduct or whatever, it prohibits you from bringing sharp objects to school. And buttons?!? Seriously, when does any high school election require campaign buttons?
Correct answer: in a school for rich kids. This is not a school for rich kids. Let's just say that over half of the people in this school are receiving free or reduced cost lunches.
Then again, two of my friends are people who receive those, and that's because their mother cheated on the forms. (Heh.) And around the corner, there's a lady selling drugs. This school is not in the best location. Most of the people who live in the apartments nearby are either drug or alcohol users or sellers.
I'm kind of used to it. In the last school I went to, I was the only white kid in the school. It's hard to be white in a town like this because some people assume that I'm hating on them based on the color of my skin. But isn't that prejudice, too?
It's like Valkyrie. Ya know, that movie with Tom Cruise in it? When they were getting ready to execute the plan, someone said, "What if we fail?" And someone else replied, "We can't fail. But they have to know that we weren't all bad. Some of us didn't agree, and at least we have tried."
Or something along those lines. Well, not all white people were bad. Custer was one very bad person. Andrew Jackson was another. And there were a lot of people, nameless and faceless, in the history books that became an army that was under the command of those terrible people and went along with it. But some didn't know any better and some disagreed.
Wow, I just talked about history for ten minutes. How boring is that?
Please do not answer the question. It was a rhetorical question.
Have you ever noticed how Australians ask a lot of rhetorical questions? It's because they need your approval? Because they are not very self-confident?
Anyway, so the Dutch landed in Australia first. They looked around and said, "Thees is a shithole."
Then came the French. They landed, got off and walked around, and said, "Well we agree wiz zey Dutch."
And lastly came the English, who in a rare display of optimism, said, "Well, it is a bit shitty. But maybe it's less shitty over there."
Impressed? Don't be. I got it off of YouTube.
And then, of course, they sent their prisoners there. And the prisoners got off the boat (which quickly sailed away) and went for a walk. When they got back, I imagine they said something along the lines of "Damn."
That part I did make up.
The first camel in Australia was named Harry. Sadly, Harry died, before ever hooking up with a lovely female Australian camel, in a tragic rifle accident. (*snort*)
Yes, my friends and I got very interested in Australia when we did a history project for lauguage arts class (aka English for Idiots. We learned nada in class that year, due to our horrible horrible horrible teacher). So then a few weeks ago I went to a Jewish wedding where the groom's family was from Australia. It's up there as one of the weirdest fun experiences of my life. (Also up there is my first anime convention. For those of you who have been to one, you'll know what I'm talking about. For those who haven't, read the first few pages of Dramacon and you'll understand.)
I just realized how freakin' long this post is. My badness. Esteemed imaginary followers, I apologize from the storage cabinet of my heart. (I don't say bottom because it means bum. Who wants apologies from the buttcrack of someone's heart?)
But anyway, bye.

Up In the Depths of Despair

Okay, I have officially decided that my biology teacher sucks.
On our third day in his class, our class were on lecture behind the rest of the school and he gave us the quiz that they'd taken. Most of the class failed. Then yesterday, he gave us a PowerPoint assignment that was due today (which I finished ^-^). And then while we were doing our presentations, he learned a new word!! He then used that new word, "OMG", seven times throughout the rest of the class.
He can't really count, either, and he has a tendency to stare at people that we find very creepy.
But whatever. I'm now running for student government. I want to be activities director. So, imaginary people reading my blog, spread the word. And keep in mind that this is on top of my hockey practice, my writing, my social life on the internet, and the guitar lessons that I will soon be starting.
Oh yeah, and this kid who lives down the street and goes to my school plays lacrosse, and his mom found out that I play hockey, and now she wants me to play in my off season. It sounds cool, so I'm going for it.
I've got class now, so seeya!


A Spherical Prism

So then. I'm sitting here in study hall, mostly alone, and yet there are people all around me.
What is this peculiar predicament, you ask? Back to school night.
I wandered up here in the hopes of keeping this wonderful laptop charged while I threw my creative efforts and my literary talents into making up stories to entertain you, dear nonexistant readers.
I am listening to conversations held mainly in two different languages (inadvertantly, of course), sitting in the room known as the "library without books". Occasionally, some random student and their parents will wander up here, and the kid'll say "this is where we study" or "this is where we come when we don't have class".
Which reminds me. Maybe I should find my parents and give them a tour...
...Yeah, I should. Ttyl, peoples!

A Squareular Circle

Hi again. It's me.
And now, we break for no news.
And we're back. Whee.
These are the sad circumstances of my life.
So then, I'm in something of a dilemma. My friends and I are all anime-crazed. We read it, breathe it, draw it, watch it, and generally go crazy when the latest chapter of Skip Beat finally gets scanned. And there's a convention coming up at the end of the month.
The amateur art contest is on Saturday, which is the day I was planning on going. The problem is, the contest is on the same day as the team picnic. I could go on Sunday, but my friends might not be able to go and I wouldn't be able to enter my art. (Although it's not like I'm going to win anyway.)
Ahh, I love this school. I just spent my lunch period destroying tanks.


A Circular Square

I just realized, I slipped in a reference to Taylor and did not explain who he was.
He would be the traitor who deserted our team.
Along with Nick, also known as Sticky, Nicky, Sprockets, Snickers, Stickers, etc, etc, as well as our goalie, Brandon, known as Brandina. Turns out we lucked out that Brandon left, because we have replaced him with two much better goalies. This means we can look forward to crushing them whenever we end up playing them.
Oh, I can't wait to hit Taylor.

Outside In

Well, I'm back from practice.
I've discovered that hitting is a lot funner when you're tall. I am the third tallest kid on the team, not counting the goalie who is six feet something. So when people on my team run into me, they mostly just fall down.
This is especially hilarious considering that last season, I was one of the smallest kids and the worst hitter on the team. I was pretty scared of even talking to most of my teammates, who were eons ahead of me and therefore shining and untouchable.
Our team is going to be decent this year. One of our best players betrayed the rink and went to another team, apparently so he could play with higher level people. Load of bullsh*t, man. Our team would have rocked if he'd played here. We'll do okay, but we should have gotten him. I'm still trying to locate him so I can execute the necessary punishment procedure (ie, chewing him out and then making him feel guilty as hell).
But anyway, I just finished my biology, journalism, and Academic Decathlon homework. I sure hope I didn't have any for English...
But I'll worry about it later.
Tomorrow, homies!

Right Side Left

Okay then.
Well, school is ending soon, and I'm all alone in library.
Scratch that, I'm with one friend and an iPod in the library. That's what I call improvement. The only other thing that would be nice is Taylor, or pizza, soda and candy, or both if possible.
Oh well, I can dream.
It's weird to be alone in a school right before it lets out. You can hear the noise level slowly increasing, and the teachers are too tired to care. Some kids are already out of class and wandering rampant, wreaking minor havoc. So there's noise echoing through the halls, and then there's the awesome rock song playing in my right ear.
As usual, I came up with something totally random to write about, and it was not at all what I intended to.
In five minutes, I will join the stampede down the stairs, and blink when the afternoon sun hits my eyes. Then I'll scan the tiny parking lot for my dad or mom, and ignore them if/when I see them. I'll continue talking to my friends until one of us leaves. My other friends will wave overnethusiastically, and I will join. Eventually, whichever parent has drawn the duty of picking me up ---Hey! The music disappeared!!!! WTF????
Heh. Sorry, I do that sometimes. And now I'm not going to go back and delete what I just wrote, because it goes against my nature. Once I am on a detour, I stay firmly on that detour and see where it takes me. Hopefully if I'm lost, it'll take me back to where I started, but as I discovered while in San Diego, that doesn't usually happen.
One minute to go...there's the bell. Bye, my loyal readers. All zero of you.
May the force be with you!

The Downside Of Up

So here I am in my second week of Hi! School.
Aren't you so proud of me?
I know, I know. I'm not either.
My name is Emily. I live in the middle of nowhere, in California if that gets you anywhere. I can't wait to leave.
I'm basically an ordinary teenager with ordinary teenage problems that I think are the end of the world. (I'm being sarcastic. I'm not normal.)
So this morning, I wake up and roll out of bed, find some clothes that are tolerably clean, and head off for eight-and-a-half hours of mental duress. I meet up with my friends and we head off to our many misadventures in our miscellanious (I probably misspelled that) classes together. We trudge through several mundane lectures about biology and Charles Dickens (take off the "ens" 'cuz apparently he left his wife for a younger woman) before arriving at lunch. I forget that I brought yogurt, because I am happily scrolling down through miles of Word documents that I wrote.
After lunch comes more of the same. We take notes, we fall asleep, we wake up right before the teacher yells at us. Well, actually, they don't yell yet. It's still the beginning of the year and everyone's mellow.
And now, I'm sitting here blogging instead of completing my homework like they recommend. Oh, well. I'll just finish it at the rink tonight.
One of my friends is reading over my shoulder, I don't know why but he's laughing now so I guess it's not for purposes of destruction.
I guess I should be working, but this is writing, so maybe it could be like an extra-credit English project? Probably not, but I can hope just the same. And I really do need to work on some certain things, but that's not exactly easy when all the things I need to practice involve a large stick, which is probably classified as a "dangerous weapon" and therefore banned from school.
Which I think is stupid. How many times have you been cut by a knife? Hopefully not many. How many times have you been cut by paper?
Exactly my point.
I'll make an entry in this blog as often as my mundane life permits (a lot, then). Until next time, I am faithfully,
The Cookie Monster On Ice, etc. etc.