
Oily Water

I'm typing this as I eat my brownie in biology class. Weird class, huh? Yup. It is. It really is. Mostly everyone else is looking up the pH of various substances. Of course I, possessing a mind of a brilliant nature, started looking it up first. And consequently, I was finished first.
Ah haha, Becca is hunched over her computer like there's no manana. Darn, I suppose there's no way to put the proper accent mark in there...ah well...now it just looks like a strange relative of banana.
This brownie tastes odd. Oh well, I suppose I can wash it down with marshmallows and my fruit roll.
Yes, I have bad habits with junk food. So sue me.
My new motto is, "Be prepared...to share junk food and wild adventures!"
Sounds like an ad for a theme park. Yay I love theme parks! Such as Six Flags and Great America. If we have a game near Vallejo, I wonder if I can convince Coach to let us stop there. That would be ultimately hilariously fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this great new yogurt shop opened up near my house. They give you a cup and you can fill it with any flavors and any toppings and then they weigh it. The first time I went there, it ended up being like six dollars. But I'd love to share it with my team!
Ah, there is the bell. Merciful Person Upstairs! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. LOL
    I was looking really hard for the Ph level of ammonia.
    I was like, "WTF is milk of magnesia?! Who the hell tests blood for its Ph level?! I don't like thinking of milk as an acid."
    LOL "Manana." That's what we should say from now on.
